Eastern Illini’s Board is made up of cooperative members just like you. Pictured, from left to right, are board members Harold Loy, Beaverville; Steve Meenen, Melvin; Steve Gordon, Rantoul; Brad Ludwig, Fithian; Chad Larimore, Bement; Tom Schlatter, Chastworth; Lauri Quick, Tolono; Kevin Moore, Rossville; and Bruce Ristow, Cissna Park.
Nominating petitions will be available on Thursday, February 21, 2019 for the June 6, 2019 director election.
The following members have been appointed by the Eastern Illini Electric Cooperative Board of Directors to serve a 1-year term on the 2019 Credentials Committee. Doug Anderson of Donovan, Dave Boomgarden of Chatsworth, Michele Cohen of Ogden, Leonard Boudreau of Donovan, and Marsha Klienmeyer of Camargo.
The Credentials Committee will meet at the cooperatives’ headquarters on Tuesday, April 9, 2019, to review the qualifications of all candidates who file nominating petitions to determine their eligibility to serve as directors of the cooperative.
Directors in Directorate Districts 1,7, 8, and 9 will be elected at the June 6, 2019 Annual Meeting. Incumbent directors Steve Gordon of Rantoul, District 7; Chad Larimore of Bement, District 8; and Lauri Quick of Tolono, District 9, have indicated they will seek reelection. Harold Loy of Beaverville, District 1, has decided to not seek reelection.
Nominating petitions can be picked up beginning at 8 a.m. on Thursday, February 21, 2019, at Eastern Illini Electric Cooperative, 330 W. Ottawa, Paxton. Each member who desires to be elected to the Board of Directors must have a petition signed by not less than 25 members of the cooperative. Petitions must be filed at Eastern Illini’s headquarters in Paxton no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, April 5, 2019.
The nominating process is conducted in accordance with the following provision of the EIEC Bylaws, Article III,
Section 3.5: Nominations:
Any member of the Cooperative in good standing who desires to be elected to its Board of Directors may be nominated by petition signed by not less than twenty-five (25) members and filed with the Secretary/Treasurer of the Cooperative not less than sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting of members. Nominations from the floor shall not be permitted. The Secretary/Treasurer of the Cooperative shall cause to be prepared and posted at the principal office of the Cooperative at least forty-five (45) days before the annual meeting, a list of the nominations for Directors thus filed with him or her.
A specimen ballot marked “Ballot for Directors” containing the names and addresses of all nominees listed in the order determined by lot conducted by the Board of Directors of the Cooperative shall be printed in or mailed with the notice of the meeting. The Secretary/Treasurer shall also have printed in or mailed with the said notice of the meeting or separately not less than seven (7) days prior to said annual meeting, a statement of the number of directors to be elected and the district from which they are to be elected.