As a not-for-profit cooperative, Eastern Illini Electric Cooperative holds annual meetings for its members. Our annual meeting events typically occur in early June of each year. If you are currently receiving electric service from us, you are eligible to attend and participate in the success of the co-op!
At these events, we offer opportunities for you to get your questions about the co-op answered. We also have guest speakers, activities for kids including bucket truck rides, and a delicious meal for all who attend. Most importantly, we give you an opportunity to vote on by-law changes, if any, and elect our board of directors. If you cannot attend the meeting, you can request a mail-in ballot prior to the meeting by contacting our office.
The Annual Meeting culminates with the Eastern Illini Electric Cooperative business meeting. The Chairman of the Eastern Illini Board of Directors confirms notice and proof of mailing for the meeting. The meeting minutes and Treasurer's Report are then approved. The President/CEO provides an update on projects, activities and future goals. The Eastern Illini attorney determines that quorum has been achieved and communicates the outcome of the voting.